The Impossible Network Podcast


The Impossible Network Podcast

The team behind Fabrica Collective, Elaine Castillo Keller and Mark Fallows, are so much more than colleagues, they are truly friends first and have spent endless hours supporting me and cheerleading my entrepreneurial explorations.

As Elaine and Mark at Fabrica continue to help us at R&A shine a light on our passions, it feels deeply good to be able to reflect a little bit of that glow back to them, as they embark on another iteration of their endless curiosity, The Impossible Network. The Impossible Network is a new podcast series focused on the origin stories of entrepreneurs, scientists, and even psychologists.

I was fortunate to be asked to be interviewed in our 79 Walker Street upstairs’ neighbor, Acast, offices this past fall. It was a good feeling to be on the receiving end of so many of the questions I am usually asking others. Mark’s inquisitiveness and enthusiasm for his guests are as true on air as they are in real life. I hope if you decide to listen to his energetic Scottish lilt that you will feel that too and perhaps get to know a little bit more about me and the origins of Rennicke & Associates in the process.

Click HERE to listen to Dr. Rennicke’s episode: The Psychotherapist’s Perspective on Our Challenging Times

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